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B. Braun Introcan Safety 3 Closed IV Catheter, Yellow, 24 Fr, .75 Inch - 50/Box # BB4251127-02


  1. Braun Introcan Safety 3 closed I.V. Catheter is a peripheral IV catheter and is the first fully automatic passive safety IV Catheter with multiple access blood control and passive Needlestick protection. The multi-access blood control septum reduces leakage and blood exposure went the needle is removed. The I.V. Catheter is designed with a safety feature that allows for automatic retraction of the needle after use, reducing the risk of needlestick injuries. It is a single-use device to generate intravascular and tissue access to sample blood, monitor blood pressure, or administer fluids and blood intravascularly. Introcan Safety 3 is also indicated for subcutaneous infusion therapies and 300 psi power injector applications (18G – 24G). The IV therapy device can be used for all patients for whom infusion therapy is prescribed. Introcan Safety 3 can be used for adults, pediatrics, and neonates without age or gender restrictions.

Features of B. Braun Introcan Safety 3 Closed IV Catheter:

Reduces exposure to blood.

Helps reduce clean-up time and materials

Multiple access blood control septum reduces leakage and blood exposure

Designed with Double flash technology to provide a quick visual confirmation

Designed to prevent accidental needlesticks

Improves catheter stability

Designed to reduce the risk of touch contamination and keep the connection away from the patient’s skin

Cost-effective and environmentally friendly


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